First Amendment

In our First Amendment practice we represent disfavored speakers, including the adult entertainment industry and whistle blowers. For this reason, we frequently represent citizens and businesses who have been targeted by government for adverse treatment. We focus on these issues:
We help clients navigate the adult entertainment license process. As the law stands, local and state governments enjoy wide latitude in regulating adult entertainment businesses. These businesses are often subject to strict licensing requirements, which ostensibly force legal intervention to acquire an adult license. We work closely with clients to achieve their goals.
Land Use & Zoning
We handle litigation arising from land use regulation. Our cases often involve constitutional challenges such as regulatory takings and the infringement of substantive and procedural due-process rights. In this evolving area of law, our clients look to us to decipher court rulings and legislation and offer guidance.
Law Enforcement Liability
We represent individuals and businesses who have been injured by state or local government officials, placing an emphasis on law enforcement liability in the First and Fourth Amendment contexts. Our lawsuits often challenge police misconduct, particularly where there is personal injury or wrongful death. Our cases include allegations from federal constitutional challenges to state tort violations.
Other Constitutional Matters
We have considerable experience in other types of constitutional litigation as well. These areas include sexual harassment, racial discrimination and First Amendment retaliation.
If you have questions about adult entertainment or another heavily regulated industry, please call us at 404-659-2880 or contact us online to schedule a consultation.